
Chaining Warpgates§

Sometimes exposing a host on the network to the outside is not an option. In this case you can opt to forward connections from one Warpgate to another.


This is fully transparent to the client (except for the double "warpgate connected" message in interactive sessions) - there are no SSH "jump hosts" involved in this setup.

Copy outer Warpgate's public key§

  • Run warpgate client-keys and copy the Ed25519 public key:
➜  ~ warpgate client-keys
16:55:10  INFO Using config: "/etc/warpgate.yaml" (users: 1, targets: 6, roles: 1)
Warpgate SSH client keys:
(add these to your target's authorized_hosts file)

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAxxxx+3RBsT5  # <-- this line
rsa-sha2-256 AAAADHJzYS1zaGEyLTI1Ngxxxx

Set up inner Warpgate§

  • Add your targets as usual (in this example: inner-server).
  • Add a "jump user" (here we'll be using wg-jump as a username) and add the outer Warpgate's public key as a credential.
  • Check connection to the target with warpgate test-target inner-server

Set up outer Warpgate§

  • Add the targets on the inner network again, using the inner Warpgate's address and port, as well as the Warpgate-style username:
    • Host: <inner Warpgate's IP>
    • Port: <inner Warpgate's SSH port>
    • Username: wg-jump:inner-server
  • Check your config with warpgate check.
  • Check connection to the target through the inner Warpgate on the outer Warpgate with warpgate test-target inner-server


You can now grab the connection command from the landing page (or the admin UI) as usual and test it on a client:

ssh <username>:inner-server@<outer-warpgate> -p <outer-wg-port>